Saturday, December 11, 2010

What is Marketing

What exactly is marketing and how do you do it? If you have your own business, no doubt you have heard countless strategies on how you "HAVE" to market or you will fail. Is this true? Yes and No.

You do have to let others know about what you do. You need to let those who would be interested in and need your services or products know about you. But the good news is, you don't have to do marketing or selling that is uncomfortable for you. When it comes to marketing, there has been a misconception that we all have to do it the same way - tell everyone we know and meet about what we do.

I am not a "salesperson." It makes me very uncomfortable to call attention to myself - I'd much rather let others do that And I can! Did you know that there are ALL KINDS of ways to market your business, from giving someone a business card to writing an article like this one?

I can write a newsletter or a blog post, which can both be used as ways of marketing. But tell me to call someone and tell them about what I do? No thanks. I have discovered there are many others who feel the same way. In fact, this very thing keeps some from starting up a business, because they don't consider themselves good at selling. However, marketing does not have to stop you from pursuing your dream of starting a business. You need to find ways to let others know about your business that are comfortable for you and fit who you are.

One of my favorite ways to market is by writing articles. I am not an exceptional writer, but I think I can get my point across. And when people read what you have written, it not only helps them to get to know you better and how you think, they begin to trust you. They know you are a real person and they have a glimpse of what you know and your outlook on a certain topic. You write an article on something that your niche would be interested in and submit the article to popular article directories. You can also search for websites in your niche that are willing to take article submissions, thereby getting your name in front of your market without you doing any "selling."

What is Marketing? It's letting the people who need what you have to offer know about you. But find ways to market your business that match your personality and start enjoying marketing!

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